Sunday, April 29, 2012

sock monkey quilt # 1 almost done!

Cherish Sock Monkey Quilt…
Quilted blocks…this will in fact be completed by the time of the baby shower for wee little Cherish! Fabric
from: Amazon, Heavenly Patchwork in Waconia, Etsy, and a bit of X-mas 2010 from Kris to the K.
each block is 17 inches square including the log cabin strips…bits of each block was hand quilted as I can’t
quite drive my sewing machine with that much accuracy… added ties of almost the background color to
further restrain the batting… April 29th 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Me in a few words of my choosing...

I'm 43 going on 97...less than 1/2 way done, got lots to still do!
I’m from Minnesota. I’m Swedish, Irish, a bit of German and a frappe of a few other Northern European countries. I have 2 daughters. Tabitha Ann was born in 1987. Jazmin Celiia was born in 1990. I lost my daughter Natalia Tatiana to a heart defect; hypoplastic left heart syndrome in 1989. Tabitha had my grandson sweet Oliver in 2004. Tabitha is having my granddaughter Olivia in November 2011.

I work in a small plastic injection molding plant (about 9 miles from home) as the Document Control administrator (chick) and industrial photographer. We are ISO certified so I do paper work…lots of paper work.  I’ve worked here since 1999.

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2005 after living with the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythmatosis. It is a double edged sword to be living life like you have something when you have something totally different. they're both rather tiring, pardon the pun. I push myself to do everything I do. Laying in bed with the heating pad nearby and a few pain killers would be so nice and simple, but I have to work, have to be a mom, have to be a nana...want to be a quilter, want to be an artist. Unfortunately the quilting and creativity usually sit there and glare meanly at me when I'm just in too much pain or too tired to move. Sad to say muscle relaxers are my friend, but only in the evening after work, momma-ing, nana-ing and dutiful hand fasted wife-ing are complete.

I was handfasted to my sweet soul mate on the 9th of June 2007.  He found me on the Internet on cool huh?  An Internet relationship that actually worked! We’ve been together officially since November 2006.  His name’s Jim…and he’s dandy! We were married October 31st 2011 (yup Halloween) everyone invited will be in costume…it was LOVELY!

I learned how to quilt in 1990 while on bed rest trying not to have my youngest daughter Jazmin too soon. A in home nurse who helped me with my 3-year old Tabitha taught me. I made Jazmin’s bunny quilt totally by hand since sitting at my sewing machine wasn’t an option at the time. Since then I’ve made about 60 quilts of assorted sizes, mostly patchwork a few appliqué’. I work full time now, my sweet babies are adults and I’m a grandma now but the quilt bug raises its pin prickly head almost daily still. I quilt mostly for charities: God's Tiny Angels in West Virginia, Heart Babies in Minneapolis...I want to give...make someone warm, comfortable, feel OK for the moment even if all around them is chaos. :) Must be a momma thing, I want everyone to be happy and OK!

For fun my girls (when they have time, now that they are grown) and I scrap book, collage, decoupage, paint (acrylic) sketch, sculpt, well just about anything fun and crafty. We go for nature hikes throughout the year to experience the changing of the seasons and enjoy the plethora of local flora and fauna when allergies and biting insects don't stop us. In the summer the kids, mine and whose ever’s are around, make my current vehicle into an ART Car (truck, SUV, whatever) For silliness we enter it into whatever art car parade we can get to. Oh to be that flamboyant, + it seems to REALLY irritate some people for some reason… go figure!?!?!companion animals: Lilith Licks the Glass (Leopard Gecko), Helga Hiss A-Lot (Blue Tongued Skink, Akmed I’m a Dinner Jacket (Kenyan Boa), Shamus McSuchy (Sookee) the Standard Schnauzer, a plethora of fish, a plague of rats...

Favorite Music:
Eclectic= A plethora of my musical tastes: Angelcorpse ~ At the Gates ~ Autopsy ~ Behemoth ~ Black Goat ~ Cadaver ~ Carcass ~ Cannibal Corpse~ Celtic Frost ~ Corrosion of Conformity ~ Gwar~ Infester ~ Luciferion ~ Morbid Angel ~ Napalm Death ~ Necrophobic ~ Otep ~ Repulsion ~ Septic Flesh ~ Slayer ~ Sodom ~ Under The Pagan Moon~ Dark Tranquility ~ Dismember ~ Dissection ~ Entombed ~ Gehenna ~ Graveland ~ Grotesque ~ Gutted ~ Hypocrisy ~ Immolation ~ Korn ~ Static X~ System of a Down ~ Six Feet Under ~ and just for a bit of added silliness I also enjoy: Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, the Bloodhound Gang, The Dresden Dolls, Evenescence, Cyndi Lauper (yup I’m that old) a spattering of the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The Mammas & the Papas, when I’m morose the Mills Brothers but really no country unless it catches me off guard…and no bluegrass
Favorite TV Shows:
CSI all of them...Law& Order all of them, Mind of Mencia, the Daily show, invader 1st 48 gotta love true crime stuff...mostly the boob tube is background noise while I flitter about sewing, cutting, cleaning, actually sit still and watch an entire show is quite difficult.
Favorite Movies:
Love scary movies, horror, action adventure, occasional war and comedy(in limited quantities)that are so funny I need my inhaler! The Hills Have eyes, Donnie Darko, Jackass the Movie, the SAW movies (Oh yes there will be blood) Full Metal Jacket...Matrix all of them...hmmm, let's see...Mystery Science Theater 3000, anything Stephen King has had anything to do with...yup...spooky!
Favorite Books:
I like reading true murder mysteries and anything by Stephen King and Dean spooky, suspensful mysteries, true crime occasionally...I read quite a few books on the hobby of the moment so I've a collection of acrylic painting books, sketching books, a plethora of quilting, sewing, stuffed beastie books...they all get used! I love books full of photography too, black & white that I can draw from...books about artists: Maxfield Parrish, Dali, Escher...Books on the massive assortment of religions, secular & earth get my attention when I run outa blood & guts.
Favorite Quotations:
Be the changes you want to see in the world - Buddha
Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. - Dalai Lama
Bend Over and Insert Here ~ Angie Renkert

Elaine ~ Olie & Olivia's Neena, Tabitha, Natalia & Jazmin's mom